Helping clients ages 12 and up break free from disordered eating, chronic dieting, weight cycling, weight obsession, guilt after eating, undereating, overeating, body image concerns, and more.


My name is Emily Tauschek, RDN, CD and I am non-diet, Health at Every Size® dietitian. I have 3+ years (or 2200+ hours) of exclusive eating disorder experience. Most of my experience is at the outpatient level of care working one-on-one with clients (and their families) on either a nourish track or an intuitive eating track.

To me, “health” is not a number & “health“ doesn’t have a look. I support clients and families in normalizing behaviors around food. “Normalizing” behaviors around food is going to look/ feel/ and mean something different to everyone. Change is hard and change is often uncomfortable. I understand that ,so I promise to work WITH you and offer a whole lot of validation, encouragement, and compassion along the way.

I am familiar with all diagnoses (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, ARFID, & unspecified feeding and eating disorders) . Within a dietitian’s scope of practice, I have knowledge and experience with the following treatment approaches: FBT, CBT-E, CBT-AR, and motivational interviewing.

Services & Pricing

Free Discovery Call

Let’s find out if we are mutually a good fit! Schedule your free 30-minute discovery call today. No pressure, no commitment. Just us chatting with total transparency.

Initial Consultation

This is your chance to tell me YOUR story. I’ll ask a series of questions to help guide our conversation. The data I collect in this appointment will help to inform your unique and individualized nutrition treatment plan. The initial assessment takes about 90 minutes ($180).

Follow Ups

Nutrition follow ups can be purchased in 30 ($50), 45 ($75), or 60 ($100) minute intervals. Depending on your needs, appointments will be weekly, biweekly, monthly, or as needed.

Payment Options

  • Out-of-pocket via credit card or debit card

  • HSA or FSA (a letter of medical necessity required)

  • Superbill (a bill you provide to your insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement)

Things to Know in Advance

I am only accepting Wisconsin-based clients who are appropriate for virtual services. You must be outpatient appropriate per the American Psychiatric Association (APA) & Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) Guidelines for Eating Disorder Treatment. Regardless of treatment focus, release of information forms (or ROIs) for your primary care doctor, nurse practitioner, pediatrician, and/or outside therapist will be required before the initial consultation so that care coordination can take place, as needed.

As of right now, I am 100% full.

Inquire with me directly to learn more about my waitlist.

For scheduling inquiries or general questions, email

Note: Email is not a confidential form of transmitting information. If you have confidential information that you need to share, please schedule an appointment. Sharing confidential information via email is at your own risk.

Booking Provided by Healthie